Benefice Newsletter up to Sunday 23rd MARCH 2025

Sunday 23rd March 2025

News Letter


9:00am Morning Prayer live on Facebook

10:30am Newnham, Morning Worship

10:30am Throwley, Holy Communion

2nd Sunday before Lent

23rd March

Sunday's readings:-

Revelation 4

Luke 8:22-25

Parish Events

Food Donations Family FoodbankIf you are looking to donate food, below is a list of food which we are currently short of:

- Tinned Meat (Curry, Chilli, Meat Balls, Hot Dogs, Pies, etc.)
- Tinned Veg (Peas, Carrots, Potatoes, etc.)
- Tinned Fish
- Tinned Desserts (Fruit, Custard, Rice Pudding, etc.)
- Soups (Tinned & Packets)
- Tinned Potatoes
- Dried Rice/Pasta
- Sauces (Jars - Pasta, Curry, Chilli, etc)
- Long Life Milk
- Tea/Coffee
- Cereal
- Biscuits
- Preservatives
- Hygiene & Baby Products


Collection boxes can be found in each church

& Doddington Vicarage

more information can be found

Foodbank Donations

All donations of food, you can now take to Teynham School

Monday to Friday in school term hours

Kingsdown, Creekside and High Downs Prayer Diary

March 9th

Giving thanks for the freedom to worship in village churches, great cathedrals, private homes and public buildings. Praying for those who cannot worship openly.

March 10th

Praying for peace in our world in our time and for all those who pursue the path of peace in the face of conflict.

March 11th

We pray for our doctors' surgeries and all the NHS staff working there and in the community. With huge demands on their time and resources, grant them resilience, kindness and good humour.

March 12th

We consider the effects of our lifestyle on God's planet and ask for wisdom to know the adjustments we could make and for the determination to make them.

March 13th

We pray for the mission of our benefice, that we may carry the gospel to every creature with spirit and energy.

March 14th

Remembering all the shops and local businesses across our villages, giving thanks for the services and the work opportunities they offer.

March 15th

Praying for Diocesan Synod meeting today and discerning how the Spirit is at work within the churches of the Canterbury Diocese.

March 16th

Giving thanks for days of rest and refreshment, and remembering God's invitation to draw aside and nourish our relationship with him and with those we love.

March 17th

Praying for people who have been forgotten in prison, on the streets, or in long-term psychiatric care.

March 18th

Bless all the activity groups that meet in our village halls, bringing fitness, art, craft, music and so much more. May they be places of inclusion and healing, building up our communities.

March 19th

Thank you for the gift of reading and the opportunity to share that

joy. Bless the book exchange at Oare this morning.

March 20th

Praying for women trapped in abusive relationships and for the refuges and charities wanting to support them.

March 21st

Giving thanks for all those who clean our churches and keep them open and welcome to visitors, that they might know their contribution is valued and appreciated.

March 22nd

We pray for the life of our world and ask you to bless the Earth Hour tonight as it is observed in homes, workplaces and in our benefice at Oare Church.

Church Events


Our Congratulations to

Julie & Oliver Beames

on Celebrating their

25th Wedding Anniversary

8th March

Stalisfield Church


We welcome to God's Family

Aleeah Powers

16th March

Teynham Church


Our Prayers for the family and friends of :-

Elizabeth Joan Bruce

Teynham Church

12th March

Betty Smith

Doddington Church

17th March

Emma Kate Holt

Doddington Church

20th March

Stalisfield Youth Club

Meets in Stalisfield Village Hall

12th & 26th March at 7pm

Music, gaming, craft, table tennis & more

11 - 17 year olds

time to relax, hang out and catch up

Contact Catherine 07929 928046

or [email protected]

Do you like to hear Bell Ringing ? If yes, come and hear the

Members of the Canterbury District of the Kent County Association of Change Ringers are due to come to St Mary's Teynham on Saturday 8th March for a special meeting, which involves a bellringing competition, a short service, tea and meeting.

The usual pattern for our district meetings is: 2pm ringing, 3.30pm service, 4pm tea and meeting, followed by evening ringing for those who wish.

Come and celebrate that Winter is nearly over

There is a live band and you can sing, dance or

just clap your hands.

come with family and/or friends

Bring your favouite food and drink

Email [email protected]

to reserve your tickets - before they all go

You are invited to spend Earth Hour at

St. Peter's, Oare by candlelight.

Saturday 22nd March

Earth Hour is an event that is held annually encouraging individuals, communities and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm. St. Peter's will be marking the hour by lighting the church with candlelight. There will be a quiz and, weather willing, some star gazing. If you fancy sitting in a Grade I listed building in the dark for an hour - why not join us! Bring a torch and some warm clothing. We look forward to seeing you.

Do you listen to our live broadcast of Morning Prayers?

Have you thought - I could do that.

We are looking for two people who are willing to

to take on a once a week broadcast.

Full training will be given.

Pray about it and if the answer is YES

Please contact Rev Paula or Rev Jim

Our Services

If we changed our style of church services

What style would you like?

Would it be around a table with coffee & cake?

Would it have more spirit& song?

What would you do different?

Would a Saturday morning work better for you?

Speak to Rev Paula or Rev Jim

Email them or post a letter

Just let them know!

Let's stay connected

The Ministry Leadership Team would be pleased to pray for you or someone close to you.
Contact any of the following:-

Rev Paula Jardine-Rose

07516 411269
[email protected]

Rev Jim Pye: 07851 680612
Working day Wednesday & Thursday
[email protected]

Mary Gollop: 01795 522165
Les & Barbara Roberts: 01795 886332
Pim Baxter: 01795 890598
Sue Baldry: 01795 522975

Caroline Ramshaw - Anna Chaplaincy
[email protected]
07799 538809

Benefice Administrator Joyce Warren
[email protected]

Office = Tuesday & Wednesday 01795 521831


Church Warden Details

Doddington - Les Roberts - 01795 886332

Eastling - Andrew Baxter - 01795 890598

Lynsted - David Willis - 07889 584571

Newnham - Bruce Leckie - 01795 890550

Norton - Sophia Steel - 01795 522941

Oare - Charlotte Relf - 01795 530576

Stalisfield - Jenny King - 01795 890366

Teynham - Bob Prichard - 01795 522168

Throwley - David Elvin - 07973 837122

Wychling - Robbie Jardine - 01795 886165

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