Lent Prayer Card
Dear Friends,
I have pleasure in attaching the Prayer Card for lent, and hope this will be a useful resource for you, both personally and in gathered worship.
Primrose’s image is inspired by the story in John 3 of Nicodemus meeting Jesus in secret – a story which reaches a beautiful climax in today’s Morning Prayer reading from John 19.
As you find spaces to meet with Jesus over the course of lent, may you catch the refreshing breeze of the Spirit and may you find new life springing up.
I attach the Prayer Card, along with a separate jpg with Primrose’s Jesus and Nicodemus image. Please feel free to use the image in worship, in your newssheets/magazines etc. But wherever you do use it, please include Primrose’s credit, which is shown on the card itself.
The card can also be downloaded here:
While I’m here, can I draw your attention to a few retreat opportunities you might like to take up if you are looking for some space for reflection during lent?
There are two events at the St Benedict’s Centre (West Malling) in March – a Prayer Labyrinth Experience Day on Saturday 22nd March and a Lent Quiet Day on Saturday 29th March. Find more details here:
The Living Well is hosting a day with Maggie Patterson on ‘Getting close to God with creative Bible journaling’ on Friday 11th April. Find out more here:
And finally, if there is anything further I or my colleague Primrose can do to help with anything pertaining to prayer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Lyndall Bywater
Changing Lives Prayer Network Co-ordinator