Parish Eucharist
- Occurring
- Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- St Mary the Virgin
- Address St Mary the Virgin, Church Lane Lydden, CT157JP, United Kingdom
Services, to which we warmly welcome you.
For details of our services please go to Facebook: The Parish of Temple Ewell with Lydden
Prayer & Share 11.30am every Wednesday at Temple Ewell
Sunday 30th March, 10.30am Mothering Sunday at Temple Ewell
Sunday 6th April, 9am Holy Communion at Lydden
Sunday 13th April, Palm Sunday at Temple Ewell
10.15am Process from George & Dragon
10.30am Church Holy Communion
Thursday 17th April, Maundy Thursday
6pm Parish Eucharist at Temple Ewell
7pm Supper - Millennium Hall
Friday 18th April, Good Friday
10am Walk of Witness, Temple Ewell
11am Church refreshments
Saturday 19th April, service of Light
7pm Easter Eve at Lydden
Sunday 20th April, 10.30am Easter Day at Temple Ewell
Parish Eucharist
Every Second Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 1 hour
Parish Eucharist
Every Second Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 1 hour