Facilities and features
Car Park Available at the end of the churchyard.
Toilets in the Resource Centre by the car park.
Hearing loop and microphone used during services.
Large print hymn books available.
Assistance dogs welcome.
Our Building
Grade II* listed for special architectural or historic interest.
Music and Worship
Bell ringing practice takes place most Friday evenings at 7.00pm. New ringers always welcome.
The church has two organs, a small concert organ and a modern electronic one. There are two organists who play on a shared rota system.
Groups, Courses and Activities
A small group meet on the second and fourth Tuesday morning in a private house, but newcomers always welcome.
Brownies meet on Monday evenings in the Resource Centre.
A community Lunch Club is held on alternative Wednesdays in the Resource Centre. There is also a Ceramics Group, a Craft Club and WI who meet in The Resource Centre.
Rainbows meet in Eythorne and Elvington school on a Monday.
Help for Visitors
A small guide book is available in church.
Other Features
The Resource Centre is available to hire for meetings, children's birthday parties, christening parties, funeral teas, and small events. It is also possible to hire the tables and chairs for events away from the hall. Attached to the hall is a grass field also available to hire.