About Us
As a Parochial Church Council (PCC) we have adopted the safeguarding policies and procedures of the Church of England. We are committed to…• safeguarding all children, young people and vulnerable adults
• carefully selecting and training staff and volunteers, using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) amongst other tools, to check their suitability
• responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed or is at risk
• cooperating fully with the police, local authority and any other appropriate statutory body in any investigation
• ministering appropriately to anyone who has experienced abuse
• extending pastoral care to offenders, whilst ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected from harm
Useful Contacts and helplines
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers: Fiona Coombs Email: [email protected] and Paul Brightwell Email: [email protected]
Childline 0800 1111 Family Lives helpline for parents/carers 0808 800 2222
If you believe a vulnerable adult or child is at immediate risk of harm contact the Police on 999