David set off from Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday 13th May. His journey took him from Canterbury to Billericay on day 1, from Billericay to Hauxton on day 2., from Hauxton to Stamford on day 3, from Stamford to Grantham on day 4, and from Grantham to Retford on day 5, and finally from Retford to York on day 6.
After 362 miles of cycling over 5 days, David arrived in York, both both he and the bicyle in one piece. On completing the cycle-ride, David said "My sincerest thanks to all who have donated, your generosity spurred me on especially when I was feeling pretty flat and exhausted."
David's aim was to raise £500 and he has raised £540 through his Just Giving page. To find out more about why he decided to do this and to see a few photos of his journey, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bikerideforthaningtonlychgate
Thanks to David and to to all who sponsored him., Thanington Parish Church is now a step closer to raising the £24,000 cost for the lychgate to be repaired and restored this summer.