Messy Church

Monthly. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
St Augustine of Canterbury, Even Swindon
Summers Street, Rodbourne Swindon, SN2 2HA, United Kingdom

We hold Messy Church every month on the third Saturday at 11am (except for August). It is a relaxed time, (not just for the kids!), of craft, fun, story, song and lunch together. We have a different theme each time, and we also have a special Messy Christmas in December.

10am Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Augustine of Canterbury, Even Swindon
Summers Street, Rodbourne Swindon, SN2 2HA, United Kingdom

Our Sunday services begin at 10am, and are family friendly. We use liturgy from Common Worship, and celebrate Holy Communion at least twice a month. (Usually the second and fourth Sunday). We are currently still live streaming services on our Facebook page linked below.