Regular and Online Giving

Unfortunately during these times, the bills still keep on coming – regular outgoings include maintenance and repair of the building and it’s heritage, utilities and insurance which still need to be paid. Like many others, we have seen a significant drop in income after the pandemic, including the loss of room rental and Sunday collections. We do not receive any income from the Church of England or the state and need to raise all running costs ourselves.

If you would like to start giving regularly, you can set up a regular standing order (if you are a UK taxpayer we can claim gift aid on this and we receive 25p of every £1 given).

You can also donate using a debit or credit card by clicking here and click on the Donate Online tab at the top of the page, or visit to find out more. If you are able to gift aid your donation - please follow the instructions on the donation page.

If you would like to discuss this further, please do get in touch.

Thank you for your ongoing support in these difficult times.