Facilities and features


2 modern toilet areas.

No car park on site but there is street parking nearby, (please check local restrictions), or parking (for concerts etc) at the Outlet Centre (5 minutes walk away, parking charge).

Accessible Toilet
Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible
Hearing (induction) Loop

We have large print hymn books and service books available. Some of our services are on the screen.

Assistance dogs are always welcome, and well-behaved pets too.

We have Coeliac members of the congregation, so we can provide Gluten-free Communion wafers and refreshements.

The church is mostly on the level and wheelchair friendly with wide doorways.

Our Building

We are open Saturday mornings from 09:30-12:00 for general visiting, refreshments and private prayer.

You can read more about our stained glass here: https://staugustines-swindon.co.uk/history/stained-glass/

We are beginning our eco church journey.

We have a separately heated Parish Room, and a new general heating system for the main church building.

We are a grade 2 listed building.

Music and Worship

We only have one bell - but have several people to help ring it. The bell is rung before our Sunday and Wednesday services, as well as for special National events, Weddings and Funerals when requested.

With a large, flexible space, coloured lighting and great acoustics, St Augustine's is an ideal venue for concerts and live music! We have regularly hosted over the years; Makin' MuZic- The Zurich Community Choir, The Ukey D'Ukes - live Ukelele Rock Band, Organ Recitals, fashion shows, Murder Mystery evenings and most recently " Billy & Louie's Christmas Concert".

In September 2022, an opportunity arose to replace the Coventry Organ which was developing some minor electrical faults due to its age. The new organ came from the home of Dr Judith Langfield in Bristol, and was built by the same firm as the Coventry Organ, Eminent Organs. The current organ consists of three manuals and 54 speaking stops.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We hold a monthly Messy Church (except during August), on the third Saturday at 11am. Contact us for more details.

Help for Visitors

Tours of the building available by arrangement.

Guidebooks / Notes

Church open an hour before services:
9:00am Sunday Morning
9:00am Wednesday Morning

as well as Saturday mornings from 9.30 until 12:00.

Well behaved dogs are welcome.

Other Features

We support Swindon Food Collective and have a box for item donations which is collected regularly.

We use the screen at some services. We use the sound system when an organist is unavailable. We have a good audio visual facilities, and the church can be used for many different uses including conferences.

We are beginning our Eco-Church journey and have begun building bug houses and wild flower areas in our garden.

Our Parish Room is available for hire. Please contact us for more details.