About Us

The Parish Church of St Augustine of Canterbury, Even Swindon was built to serve the large numbers of people moving to Swindon because of the Great Western Railway Works. The historic former Railway Works buildings are in the Parish which now house the STEAM Museum, MacArthur Glen Designer Outlet Village, the National Trust Headquarters and English Heritage National Monuments and Records Office.

The church has been serving the spiritual needs of the people of Even Swindon (also known as Rodbourne) for over 100 years. It is a time to remember the past and its traditions, but also a time to look forward to the future and the hopes and challenges it will bring.

We have a range of worship styles to suit everyone and all are welcome here - our mission statement is toCelebrate Jesus, Love Rodbourne.

Details of what's on can be found on our website: https://staugustines-swindon.co.uk/