Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at for 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Start your day with God in reflective prayer in the Lady Chapel here at Christ Church.

For more info, contact the parish office at: [email protected] (01793) 522832

On the first Saturday of the month, morning prayer is held at the earlier time of 7:30am for the monthly fellowship breakfast.

Join us for this weeks Sunday service

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to join us in person or online via our live stream service from Christ Church at 10am each Sunday morning. This is also available to rewatch afterwards.

The service usually includes a children's talk.

Download an order of service at the bottom of this page using the 'More Information' button to follow along.

Any questions? Contact Carol by email [email protected] or ring (01793) 522832.

Photographer Janet French

Evening worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Please note special services may differ.

Please join us:

Ist Sunday - Holy Communion

2nd Sunday - informal evening worship (often with a guest minister) or healing service

3rd Sunday - Evensong or Choral Evensong (quarterly)

4th Informal - - informal evening worship (often with a guest minister) or healing service

5th Informal - - Songs of Praise

Once a quarter we will hold a Choral Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer.

Treasure Together Spiritual Reflection Group

Every Monday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

A spiritual reflection group exploring the question: Where are we seeing God at work? through methods such as Lectio Divina - a form of reflective and prayerful scriptural reading.

We meet every Monday between 12 noon and 1pm in the Large Meeting Room in the Community Centre @ Christ Church.

All welcome!

Afternoon Tea

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Community Centre @ Christ Church
Community Centre @ Christ Church, Community Centre @ Christ Church Cricklade Street, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Come along to the Community Centre @ Christ Church every Tuesday between 1:30-3:30 for a piece of cake and a drink.

An optional 30 minutes of gentle exercise takes place which can be done seated or standing, or you can just enjoy the music.

This is followed by a quiz or music bingo, higher or lower game and an optional raffle.

Themed teas are held for special events!

A great chance to meet new people and have fun.

£3 donation per person

(limited parking)

Tea and Chat

Monthly. Every First Tuesday at for 1 hour
Goddard Arms
Goddard Arms, 1 High St, Swindon, SN1 3EG, United Kingdom

We invite you to 'Tea and Chat' for friends old and new. Everyone welcome. Bar prices apply.

Virtual Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday and Friday at for 30 mins
Online or telephone
Online or telephone

You are welcome to join us for a simple, spoken word service of Morning Prayer to start your day.
Telephone: 08002605903 to join by phone
Use this Passcode 694043607#

Christ in Quiet

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

A short, quiet, service often with Holy Communion.

Followed by refreshments.

There is no music.

We welcome people with or exploring faith. If you have questions please call our vicar Revd Canon Simon Stevenette (01793) 529166.

Fellowship of Faith

Monthly. Every First, Third Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Friendship, support, and growth
So much is covered throughout the bible, if you have questions, we’ll look for answers together.

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Old Town Partnership of Churches Lent Talks

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Our 2025 Lent Talks are based on the theme 'The Message of Ephesians for Today' Arrival 7pm for refreshments, talks begin at 7.30pm. A relaxed, cafe-church style meeting.
12th March - The Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette, Vicar of Christ Church Swindon
19th March - The Ven. Christopher Bryan, Archdeacon of Malmesbury
26th March - The Revd. Shirlyn Toppin, Upper Thames Methodist Church Superintendent
2nd April - The Revd. Roy Lowes, Retired Moderator of the West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church
9th April - The Revd, Robert Jordan, Minister of Immanuel with Highworth United Reformed Church
16th April - The Revd. Rach Collins, Minister of Bath Road Methodist Church

Fellowship Breakfast

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

7.30am optional Morning Prayer in Christ Church.

8am breakfast and talk in the meeting room at the Community Centre.

Each first Saturday of the month, a group meets for a full English breakfast, a good talk and conversation.

While the breakfast is cooked by men the gathering is open to all.

For catering purposes, RSVP (Suggested £5 donation) [email protected] (01793) 522832

8am Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer (1662)

In February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December. Every First Sunday at for 40 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

A short, quiet, spoken word traditional service.

There is no music.

We welcome people with or exploring faith. If you have questions please call our vicar Revd Canon Simon Stevenette (01793) 529166.

All Age Worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

You are warmly invited to a family friendly 10am All Age service. This service includes child friendly songs, a children's talk and fun activity sheets.

Everyone is welcome to join us in person or online via our live stream service from Christ Church at 10am each Sunday morning. This is also available to rewatch afterwards.

Download an order of service at the bottom of this page using the 'More Information' button to follow along.

Any questions? Contact Carol by email [email protected] or ring (01793) 522832.

Bible Encounter Group

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

Fellowship Group meeting fortnightly every 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening in Term Time to explore the Bible together. For more information please contact Maranda Ng Email: [email protected]

Term time only

8am Holy Communion (Common Worship)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 40 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

A short, quiet, spoken word service mostly using modern language.

There is no music.

We welcome people with or exploring faith. If you have questions please call our vicar Revd Canon Simon Stevenette (01793) 529166.

Iona Worship Group

Monthly. Every Fourth Friday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church
St Mary's Church, Commonweal Road Swindon, SN1 4LB, United Kingdom

Quiet, reflective Celtic worship in the syle of Iona Abbey, led by the Revd. Daphne Hardwick in the intimate setting of St Mary's Church. All welcome

Choral Evensong

Sunday 23 February 2025 at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

A beautiful, reflective service from the Book of Common Prayer, with full choral settings and anthem. All welcome.

Candlelight Concerts

Saturday 28 December 2024 at for 3 hours, 30 mins
Christ Church, Swindon
Cricklade Street Swindon, SN1 3HB, United Kingdom

A 'one of a kind' experience in a candlelit Christ Church. Enjoy live music played by a string quartet in a whole new light!
Tickets £12-£45
Bar available for 45 minutes before the concert start time.
More information here:

Performance start times 18:30hrs and 20:30hrs

Old Town Partnership Messy Church

Sunday 06 October 2024, Sunday 03 November 2024, Sunday 01 December 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Bath Road Methodist Church,
Bath Road Methodist Church,, Epworth Court Bath Road Swindon, SN1 4BA, United Kingdom

Come and join us at Bath Road Methodist Church
Messy fun for all the family! Worship, Games, Crafts, Stories and Tea!