Bishop of Bristol announces retirement The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull will retire as Bishop of Bristol on 1st September 2025. There will be a special service held at Bristol Cathedral at 3.00pm on Saturday, 30 August 2025, to which all are welcome. Only Water Challenge Sandra is taking on the Only Water challenge in aid of Diabetes UK, to drink only water in February to help support those people living with and affected by diabetes. You can support Sandra’s challenge at or donate to Sandra when she is next in St Leonard’s. Lent Course at St Michael’s Church – Dates for your diary Rev Phil has been working on a Lent course - at the heart of which is the understanding that we are part of a Church family and God calls us to be one just as God is one. The course will happen on Tuesdays and Thursdays in March and April (each session will be the same) starting on Tuesday 4th March at 3pm and Thursday 6th March at 7pm, continuing for five weeks. Further details to follow. Gift Aid We have finally managed to resolve our Gift Aid claim which has resulted in a repayment of £4722 for tax year 2022/23. Thank you to all who have signed up to Gift Aid.