This week's news from St Leonard's (w/c 9th March 2025)

Lent Notices Church_news Community_news

Lenny the Church Mouse is hiding!

Lenny has gone into hiding. See if you can find Lenny each week and record where you saw Lenny on a competition form to be entered into a prize draw on Easter Sunday.

Lent Lunches

Lent lunches start this coming Tuesday in church 12-2pm. Thank you to all those who are providing a Lent Lunch, please support if you can, we will be raising money for Christian Aid.

Prayers for the World

On Monday between 10-10:30am we will be opening the church for a short period of informal prayers given the ongoing and troubling situations across the world. All are welcome to join us, to bring your prayers or just listen and reflect in our holy place of worship.

Reordering Project - Chairs

To make the church a more usable community space during the week we need to have stackable chairs which our current main chairs are not. We are grateful to St Michael’s who have loaned us some of their stackable chairs to see what everyone thinks. These are likely to be the best stackable option, but we need your feedback. Could you take a look and a sit on these “trial” chairs and feedback any comments to Paul or Helen please? We will be discussing options at the next PCC Meeting, also taking the plaques, kneelers and pew bibles into account.

Electoral Roll Renewal.

We will be posting our Electoral Roll renewal notice this week as Karen will be away from 20th March until 5th April, the form will be published this Sunday with application forms available in church. Karen will write to all current Electoral Roll holders before going away.