Harvest Festival
- Occurring
- for 1 hour
- Venue
- St Giles Stanton St Quintin
- Address Stanton St Quintin Chippenham Wiltshire, SN14 6DQ, United Kingdom
A big welcome to Stanton St Quintin
on Sunday, 15th September at 9.30am for the Harvest Thanksgiving, which will be followed by a hot lunch in the Parish Hall at 12noon. You are very welcome at the lunch if you can’t make the service (and viceversa!)
(Adults £4, children free)
Bring your own plates and cutlery, a pudding to share if you would like to, and your own drinks
Auction of produce for Tear Fund
Harvest gifts are welcome.
(Any tins of food (easy to open sort that can be eaten straight from the tin) and packets which need no cooking will be sent to Doorway in Chippenham)
Please let Hilary Greene know by 21st September if you are hoping to come to the lunch, as numbers are helpful for catering {Tel: 01666 837850
or email: [email protected] )