Evening Prayer

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Holy Cross Sherston
Church Street Sherston Malmesbury, SN16 0LR, United Kingdom

A service of Evening Prayer, according to the Book of Common Prayer. Usually this is a said service.

Holy Cross Sherston

Holy Cross is a friendly community at the heart of Sherston

Please see our Safeguarding documents to the side of this page.

For our latest news and information about the life of the church please see www.gauzebrook.org 

For further information please contact our parish office by email to   [email protected] or our churchwarden by email to [email protected]

Get in touch

The Administrator, Kathryn Talboys

What's on

Evening Prayer

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Holy Cross Sherston
Church Street Sherston Malmesbury, SN16 0LR, United Kingdom

A service of Evening Prayer, according to the Book of Common Prayer. Usually this is a said service.