We will soon publish our job pack for the Rector for the Gauzebrook Group of Churches and it will be available on the Diocese of Bristol Website. In the meantime please contact us if you would like more information.

The Gauzebrook Gazette goes out on a Friday and is sent by email to those on a mailing list and put on our website.

A family choir rehearses every Friday, 4.15 pm to 5.15 pm, and sings regularly at Group and other Services. Rehearsals are in Holy Cross, Sherston but the choir has members from across the Gauzebrook Group. All voices welcome.

Fresh Fairtrade coffee and tea served with home made cakes.
We are open every Thursday from 10am to 12noon. We are a Fairtrade Church, on the first Thursday of the month our cafe is eco themed as we work towards the silver EcoChurch Award,