Facilities and features
We can provide service sheets and hymn books in large print if required
We welcome visitors with assistance dogs
There is level access into the church from the main church path. An accessible route to the chancel is available for those wishing access for communion. Please tell a sidesperson or churchwarden if you need to receive communion in your seat.
Our Building
We hold the silver Eco Church award
Our church is Grade 1 Listed.
Music and Worship
Our team of bell ringers practices weekly on Wednesday evenings and rings before morning services on Sundays. Bells are also rung for occasional offices and special services by arrangement. Please contact our Tower Captain for more information.
We have occasional music events throughout the year.
Groups, Courses and Activities
The Holy Cross Cafe is open each Thursday morning from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm serving Fairtrade teas and coffees and home baked cakes
Please see the www.gauzebrook.org web link for more details
Help for Visitors
We have a guide to the church. This supersedes a previous edition "Guide to the Church of the Holy Cross, Sherston Magna, Wiltshire c 900 - 1985 AD published in 1985.
We are part of the Athelstan Trail, and guides to the trail and an information booklet on the churches in the Gauzebrook Group are available.
The church is normally open for visits, worship and private prayer each day from about 09.00 am to 4.00 pm
Other Features
We serve fairtrade teas and coffees in our Holy Cross Cafe each Thursday. We also serve fairtrade products with our refreshments after morning service each Sunday. We hold the Silver Eco Church Award.
We have a living churchyard - where we have designated areas for wildlife to flourish. Our churchyard and the church is part of the Sherston Conservation Area.