<b>Friday 30th August 2024, 10am – 12.30pm at All Saints, Sutton Benger, SN15 4RQ</b>Fun for all the family. Craft, Stories, Activities.Children must be accompanied by an adult.Please register your interest by emailing: office.draycotchurches@gmail.com
Games tents, arts & craft, slip n slide for young people aged 4-16Pizza for lunch, 4pm Service, BBQ for tea. Bring a salad or cake to share.Tickets £10 adults / £3 per young people under 16More details from jessica.price@nwma.org.uk
Please bring your own board games and £5 each for Dinner (which will be pizza). Refreshments (ie snacks, hot and cold drinks, cakes and more) will be provided. We will also be accepting donations if anyone wants to donate and any money we make will go towards NWMA for any supplies or trips.Do email Josh if you have any questions. joshua.harmer@nwma.org.uk
Sat 27th April, 7-9.30pm, Minety Village HallTickets are £7 - available via Eventbrite -follow QR CodeFor more information please email jessica.price@nwma.org.uk