The Nine O'Clock

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford
The Green Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD, United Kingdom

Our first service on Sunday mornings at St Michael’s is mostly traditional in its style, with more hymns and spoken liturgy than at our contemporary services later in the day. We gather in our historic church building at 9.00am.

Morning Prayer

On the first Sunday of each month the 9 o’clock service is Morning Prayer. This is a simple time of worship, with hymns, prayers, bible readings and a sermon.


The 9 o’clock service on all other Sundays each month includes communion. We welcome all who know and love the Lord to share bread and wine in remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection.

At all our services there is the opportunity for anyone to receive prayer, for themselves or any other concerns.

The 9 o’clock service is usually finished soon after 10.00am and we then meet for coffee and conversation in the Old School Rooms on the other side of the village green. This also provides an opportunity to meet and chat with those arriving for the 10.30am service.

The Ten-Thirty

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael's Centre
St Michael's Centre, North Road, Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD

Head to for details of all our regular worship.

At 10.30 every Sunday morning we hold a more contemporary worship service for all ages. Worship is led by a live band. This is our most popular service for families with children. We meet in the large auditorium of the St Michael’s Centre.

After about 20 minutes the grown-ups remain in the auditorium for more worship, teaching and prayer together. The young people gather in the Old School Rooms for creative fun, activities and learning in their different age groups at Sunday Club. A creche is also provided for those with very small children. And there are discussion and activity groups for teenagers too.
Once a month we share communion all together as a church family. And once a month communion is shared among the adults, whilst the young people are in their groups. The service leaders guide us through the simple act of sharing of bread and wine, with clear explanations for everyone to follow. There is always non-alcoholic wine or juice, and gluten free bread available for those who need it.

At all our services there will be an opportunity for anyone to receive prayer, for themselves or for anything else that concerns them.

The 10.30 service is usually finished shortly before 12 midday, and we share tea, coffee, squash, biscuits and conversation afterwards.

The Six-Thirty

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford
The Green Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD, United Kingdom

Worship, teaching and fellowship in St Michael's Centre

Carol Service

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford
The Green Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD, United Kingdom

Our Annual Traditional Carol Service with St Michael's Christmas Choir, conducted by Andrea William-Jones, and worship led by Paul Davies and band. A chance to sing those favourite Christmas carols, and hear more about the Christmas story.


Monthly. Every First Sunday at
St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford
The Green Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday of each month the traditional Anglican service of Evensong is held in the church building at 5.00pm. This is a simple act of worship, with spoken liturgy, Bible reading, hymns and a sermon.

As at all our services, there is the opportunity for anyone to be prayed for about any concerns at all.

Morning Prayer

at for 15 mins
St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford
The Green Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD, United Kingdom

Every Wednesday and Friday we live-stream a short service of Morning Prayer on Youtube