Midnight Communion

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Stephen, Soundwell, Bristol BS16 4RH
Soundwell, BS16 4RH, United Kingdom

Service begins at 11pm on Christmas Eve (Tuesday) and communion extends into Christmas Day and finishes soon after, say 10 minutes past midnight! (into Wednesday!).

A Christmas Day Service also takes place at 10am.

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St Stephen, Soundwell, Bristol BS16 4RH

Get in touch

Lisa Wigmore

email: vision@saintstephensoundwell

Office: Tues to Fri 9.30~11.30am & ansafone
0117 956 6257

Our website

What's on

Midnight Communion

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Stephen, Soundwell, Bristol BS16 4RH
Soundwell, BS16 4RH, United Kingdom

Service begins at 11pm on Christmas Eve (Tuesday) and communion extends into Christmas Day and finishes soon after, say 10 minutes past midnight! (into Wednesday!).

A Christmas Day Service also takes place at 10am.

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