for 1 hour
Venue Address
Soundwell, BS16 4RH, United Kingdom
Organised chaos for all but some fun as we create traditional Christingle oranges!

Very popular - choose from either of two services:

This one at 2.30pm and the second one at 4pm

St Stephen, Soundwell, Bristol BS16 4RH

Get in touch

Lisa Wigmore

email: vision@saintstephensoundwell

Office: Tues to Fri 9.30~11.30am & ansafone
0117 956 6257

Our website

What's on

Christingle Family Fun

for 1 hour
St Stephen, Soundwell, Bristol BS16 4RH
Soundwell, BS16 4RH, United Kingdom

Organised chaos for all but some fun as we create traditional Christingle oranges!

Very popular - choose from either of two services:

This one at 2.30pm and the second one at 4pm

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