Morning Worship

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Bitton
Church Road Bitton, BS30 6LJ, United Kingdom

A more formal service with prayers, hymns, worship songs and bible readings and a bible-based talk. After the service there is opportunity for conversation and coffee.

We extend a welcome for everyone, but the service content is aimed at an adult audience. There are toys and books for young children available at the back of church.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Bitton
Church Road Bitton, BS30 6LJ, United Kingdom

A traditional service using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This is a quieter and more reflective service with prayers, readings, and a talk.

We extend a welcome for everyone, but the service content is aimed at an adult audience.

Family Café Church.

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Church, Bitton
Church Road Bitton, BS30 6LJ, United Kingdom

We gather together in worship in a more informal, interactive café style with contemporary songs and music, prayers, bible readings, drama, story and craft activities. There is breakfast serviced during the service with coffee and tea.

We extend a welcome for everyone, but the service content is aimed at children and young families.

United Benefice Service

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church Bitton; St Barnabas Church Warmley; or, St Ann's Church, Syston
St Mary's Church Bitton; St Barnabas Church Warmley; or, St Ann's Church, Syston

If there is a fifth Sunday in the month we gather together as a group of churches in one of the churches in the group in Bitton, Warmley or Syston. See news updates on this website, our parish magazine or local church notice boards for details of venues for this service

In this service we welcome all those who are baptised to share bread and wine and remember Jesus’ death and resurrection. There is a mixture of hymns and contemporary songs, prayers and bible readings and there is a bible-based talk. After the service there is opportunity for conversation and coffee and then to join in with a bring-and- share lunch.

We extend a welcome for everyone.

Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month

Parish Eucharist

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's Church, Bitton
Church Road Bitton, BS30 6LJ, United Kingdom

In this service we welcome all those who are baptised to share bread and wine and remember Jesus’ death and resurrection. There is a mixture of hymns and contemporary songs, prayers and bible readings and there is a bible-based talk. After the service there is opportunity for conversation and coffee.

We extend a welcome for everyone, but the service content is aimed at an adult audience. There are toys and books for young children available at the back of church.

Family Service

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Bitton
Church Road Bitton, BS30 6LJ, United Kingdom

This service can vary in its form and content. On some occasions we will gather together in worship in a more informal, interactive café style or we may use a more formal seating arrangement and have a parade service with the Scouts. There are usually contemporary songs and music, prayers, bible readings, drama and a talk.

Refreshments are offered after the service.

We extend a welcome for everyone, but the service content is aimed at young people and their families.