Churches in Benefice
St Mary's Church, Bitton
Welcome to St Mary's Church, Bitton where we aim to provide a warm and hospitable environment for all. There are regular church services on most Sundays to suit a range of worshippers.
This is an ancient building, and a church has stood on this site for well over a thousand years. During the summer months the church is open daily to visitors and you are most welcome to learn about our rich heritage or spend some time in reflection and prayer.
You can find much more information on our website.
St Anne Syston South Glos. BS16 9LT
Do come and join us at one of our services. You would be made very welcome.
We would really love to show you our beautiful old church which is set in an idyllic spot in the peaceful countryside.
Our regular weekly service pattern is:
1st Sunday - no service
2nd Sunday - 10.30am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: - 6.30pm Holy Communion
4th Sunday - 10.30am Morning Prayer
5th Sunday - Joint Service with other churches in our benefice Please see details in the monthly magazine for time and venue.
St Barnabas Church Warmley
We are a Christian community seeking to discover the heart of God in the community of Warmley . We believe that the Christian faith is for everyday life and through prayer, worship and exploring the Bible and what it has to say to us, we endeavour to find ways to live out our faith in service to those in need and in fellowship with those who are part of the community. We are currently in vacancy. All services continue as below as we wait for the new vicar who God is preparing to come and lead us into the future.
On the FIRST Sunday at 9.30 there is Rise and Shine -an informal Cafe Style service for all and especially suitable for young families.
At 4pm there is a quieter reflective service of Healing and Wholeness offering prayer and annointing.
The SECOND and FOURTH Sundays are Holy Communion services
The THIRD Sunday is Prayer and Praise with prayer ministry at the end of the service
On the FIFTH Sunday is a combined sevice with the other chuches in the Benefice - please ask for details of where..
There is also a mid Week service on Wednesday at 10.30