Facilities and features
We have a toilet, suitable for disabled users, situated within the church
Available with our toilet facility
Car parking available in Church Square by kind permissions of Corsham Court. Main town car parks (free on Sundays) are less than 5 minutes walk away
Within the church
Can park just outside church gates - distance to main building 25m. Other parking a couple of minutes away.
Access to our church is on level ground.
Within the church, with the exception of access to the chancel, choir and high altar the aisles are flat. We have a reserved seating space for wheelchair users and their pushers!
We have an induction loop within the church which available at all services
Large print hymn books are available on request
Our Building
Open during daylight hours for prayer and visitors to view the building.
We are just starting our Eco Church journey. More details will appear on our website at https://greatercorshamchurches.org.uk
St Bartholomew's Church is a Grade 1 listed building. The earliest recorded entry regarding the church is in the Saxon Charter. The Normans made extensive additions adding a North and a South aisle and lengthening the Nave. A full history can be found on a free leaflet available in the church.
The Town post office is 50m from the church
Music and Worship
St Bartholomew’s church has a ring of 6 bells, with the earliest dating from 1757. The tenor weighs 23cwt-2qtrs-26lbs.
The bells are rung for Sunday morning services, 09:20 – 10:00; for weddings and other special events. Practice takes place on Wednesday evenings from 7:45 – 9:00pm, except the first Wednesday of the month.
For more visit our website: http://greatercorshamchurches.org.uk/?page_id=133
We occasionally host concerts or other live music and arts events
Our organ was built in 1881 by William Sweetland of Bath, a well respected organ builder, known for beautiful sounding 2 manual and pedal instruments and has some 1,230 pipes within it. IN 2015 it underwent a major refurbishment and cleaning and was formally inaugurated and re-dedicated after the work was completed at a special service on 28 June 2015 which included congregational hymns, choir anthems and organ solos, as well as re-dedication prayers. More details and pictures can be found at: http://greatercorshamchurches.org.uk/?page_id=6682
Our service pattern uses both Book of Common Prayer and Common worship version. BCP services include matins (5th Sunday). We also offer a BCP Holy Communion at selected 8am services and once a month on a Wednesday at 10pm. Please see https://greatercorshamchurches.org.uk/services for more details.
The Choir at Corsham Church sings at the 10:00 am service every Sunday and on a number of other occasions, such as occasional sung evening services, weddings and funerals. Over the years we have collected a repertoire of over 170 anthems ranging from the 16th century to the present day, both accompanied and unaccompanied, and are always on the lookout for good new material.
The post of Organist & Choirmaster is shared by husband and wife team, Robin Jackson FRCO and Maureen McAllister FRCO, of 10 The Cleeve, Corsham, SN13 9JG. Tel. (01249) 713809. If you enjoy singing, or would like to learn, you are most welcome to join us; there is no audition. Choir practice is an hour on Fridays, starting at 7:00 pm in the Lady Chapel. We currently have three tenors, three basses, four altos and around a six sopranos. If you’d like to hear us before deciding, why not attend the 10.00 am service one Sunday?
Groups, Courses and Activities
There is a Beaver group within the town but it is not Church sponsored
We currently offer a team-wide on-line bible study on a Wednesday email: [email protected] for more details.
We don't offer Boys Brigade but we do have a Church Lads and Church Girls brigade which is similar. Please contact the company officer in charge - Teresa Price - 01249 713016 if interested or find out more at https://clcgb.org.uk/ or go to the Facebook page: “st bartholomews church lads and church girls brigade, corsham”
There is a Brownie Group within the town but it is not church sponsored
Every Thursday 10-12.
There is a Cub Scout Pack within the town but it is not church sponsored
There is an exercise club that meets in Church House (our church hall at No 3 Church Street). It is NOT church sponsored but contact the Church House officer for details (01249 701720)
We don't offer Girls Brigade but we do have a a Church Lads and Church Girls brigade which is similar. Please contact the company officer in charge - Teresa Price - 01249 713016 if interested or find out more at https://clcgb.org.uk/ or go to the Facebook page: “st bartholomews church lads and church girls brigade, corsham”
There is a Guide company within the town but it is not church sponsored
The Mothers’ Union is an international Anglican society. Its mission is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life. Membership is open to all who have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity and declare their support of the aim and objects of the society. The Corsham branch meets in Church House, Church Street, Corsham at 2:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
The branch leader is Mrs Cathy Reynolds, Shepherds Lodge, 28 Greenhill, Neston
SN13 9SQ. Tel. (01225) 811865.
We offer an Early Bird Service - a short 25 minute service which is held on the second Sunday of every month at 4pm in St Bartholomew's Church (except August when the Early Bird is on holiday, and November when it is a week earlier – really Early Bird! - because of the Remembrance Day services) Crammed with songs and stories, it is an informal, dynamic, interactive service – ideal for the youngest members of our congregation. The service is followed by supper and some games or craft.. Please see the Early Birds Facebook page for further information. https://www.facebook.com/earlybirdsstbarts/
For more information about the service at Corsham, contact [email protected]
There is a Scout troop within the town but it is not church sponsored
Help for Visitors
Free Church guides are available, supplemented by additional information at certain locations. During the summer months we often have volunteers in the building who can offer additional commentary.
We have a small shop at the back of church where you will find a number of items such as books and souvenirs.
The Church is open daily during daylight hours.
Other Features
We are a Fairtrade church. We not only serve Fairtrade tea and coffee after our services but offer a monthly stall at which Fairtrade products can be purchased
We host a foodbank collection bin, as part of the Corsham Church Foodbank programme.
We have Public Address system (with Hearing Loop) used at all services. This can be used to play music for other events if required although our main funeral director has his own equipment. We have a family service which makes use of the PA system and a projector and large screen to show video clips and other material.
Part of our churchyard is a woodland conservation area.
Church House, located just 200 metres from St. Bartholomew’s at No 3 Church Street, Corsham (postcode: SN13 0BY), is our church hall. As well as being the location of our Church Office supporting the whole team (on the left of the entrance hall) Church House has a large function room, – with attached modern kitchen and toilets – able to accommodate up to 50 people, and a smaller meeting room upstairs which can hold up to 20 people. Both of these rooms are available for hiring and proceeds help the House and church. Internal views are show on our website.
If you would like to discuss hiring the hall, please contact the team office on (01249) 701720 or send an email to [email protected] – please include a phone number so we can contact you.