About Us

Marshfield is the southern most Cotswold village in South Gloucestershire, approximately 9 miles from Bristol, Bath and Chippenham.  It is a typical Cotswold village with a long main street of 186 fine architectural buildings with a similar number of later buildings extending in both directions behind the High Street.  The Church dominates the skyline and a church has been on this site for around 1000 years.

The Church of St Mary the Virgin was consecrated in 1242 and is a large well maintained church seating over 200.  Worship is both traditional and contemporary and many of the services are lay led.  The building has experienced many changes over the centuries as it has adapted to serve the needs of its community.  After much consideration and prayer, the congregation resolved to update the church building with the aim of enhancing its beauty whilst improving the facilities.  A kitchen/servery was added to the west end of the north aisle and storage cupboards added behind the font on the south side.  Our vision is that everyone who uses the building, whatever the occasion, should find it accessible and feel welcome.

We have a strong musical tradition with an organ in good order as well as two pianos (one electronic which can be used with the sound system) together with musicians to play them.  Our morning services attract people of all ages, with several families.  The children are taken out of the service on three Sundays in the month for their own activities in Kids Club.   We are proud of the fact that we still have regular services of sung Evensong at 6 pm on three Sundays in the month.

The church is open during the day and regularly welcomes visitors from city churches who come to pray and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.  There is also a strong, active link with the church school. 

As a church we are committed to making our church activities safe for children and vulnerable adults. We have the Diocesan Silver Safe and Welcome Award.