The Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 55 mins
Holy Trinity
Wellington Hill Horfield, BS7 8ST, United Kingdom

A celebration of Holy Communion using the Common Worship of the Church of England. We worship in a traditional way, using the dignity of music, hymns and choral singing candles and incense. The sermon is concise, accessible and engages with the challenges of life. People of all ages worship together; we have a children's chapel: The Chapel of the Child Jesus - where child-friendly activities and books focussing on Bible stories are available.

Anyone who is baptised, in any Christian denomination, is welcome to receive Holy Communion.

Holy Trinity

Get in touch

Revd. Canon David McGladdery, SCP (Rector).

Wellington Hill

Rector (Fr David)
Parish Administrator (Maggie)
0117 9515729

Our website

What's on

The Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 55 mins
Holy Trinity
Wellington Hill Horfield, BS7 8ST, United Kingdom

A celebration of Holy Communion using the Common Worship of the Church of England. We worship in a traditional way, using the dignity of music, hymns and choral singing candles and incense. The sermon is concise, accessible and engages with the challenges of life. People of all ages worship together; we have a children's chapel: The Chapel of the Child Jesus - where child-friendly activities and books focussing on Bible stories are available.

Anyone who is baptised, in any Christian denomination, is welcome to receive Holy Communion.