The Community of Saint Stephen's

The Community of Saint Stephen’s is a small gathered group of people who desire to lead and model simple lives, connect with the creativity of others and provide opportunities to engage with and develop faith. We seek to reflect on what it means in practice to be a home for engaged spirituality, creating communities of wholeness with Christ at the source. 

Get in touch

Marc van de Griendt

St Stephens Church
21 St Stephens St

Church Administrator
0117 922 5267

Our website

What's on

Saint Stephen's at 5

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
The Community of Saint Stephen's
21 St Stephens Street Bristol, BS1 1EQ, United Kingdom

We gather for worship at 5pm.
You are welcome to this space of community, honesty and encounter with God.

This service will usually include Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month.

Please join us beforehand (from 4:45pm) for refreshments and a chance to chat.

For the latest news and details of forthcoming services and other gatherings please see our fortnightly newsletter.