St Stephen's Church Southmead

We are an Anglican Parish church, situated in Southmead. Everyone is welcome, we have lots happening each week, so come meet us. We have a website, and a Facebook page for you to get in touch, or find out what's on.

Get in touch

Alison Shute


Our website

What's on

Wednesday café

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Stephen's Church Southmead
Ullswater Rd, Glencoyne Square Southmead, Bristol, Bs10 6DP, United Kingdom

A friendly, and free, café for everyone. Join us for tea, coffee, and biscuits.


At St Stephen’s we want to do everything we can to keep people safe and run activities to a high standard. We are especially mindful about the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our policy is to ensure those in a leadership role working with children, young people or vulnerable adults have an up to date DBS check and that Safeguarding training has been carried out.

For more information about our safeguarding as part of the Diocese of Bristol, please visit the Diocesan website.

Questions or concerns?
If you have any concerns or questions about keeping people safe, or would like to report a concern, please contact Joe Widdows, Parish Safeguarding Officer, using the e mail address: [email protected] or call: 07791 085991. For more urgent enquiries please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding officer Adam Bond on:0117 906 0100.

Read our safeguarding policy here