Coffee Morning

for 2 hours
St Nicholas
Church Road Whitchurch, BS140PR, United Kingdom

We would like to invite you to the 1st Coffee Morning of 2023 on Saturday 18th February 10am -12pm, there will be Bacon Rolls, Raffle and a Tombola Stall including donated ‘Gifts’. Please come and support our social events, we would love to see you, especially those unable to come to Church on a regular basis.

St Nicholas

St Nicholas Church, a Grade 2 Listed building, is Norman in style and almost 900 years old. It was built on the site of an earlier chapel dedicated to St Whyte whose name is now perpetuated for all time by the village of Whitchurch which took its name from her. 

Get in touch

David Owen

Church secretary
What's on

Coffee Morning

for 2 hours
St Nicholas
Church Road Whitchurch, BS140PR, United Kingdom

We would like to invite you to the 1st Coffee Morning of 2023 on Saturday 18th February 10am -12pm, there will be Bacon Rolls, Raffle and a Tombola Stall including donated ‘Gifts’. Please come and support our social events, we would love to see you, especially those unable to come to Church on a regular basis.