A message from Becky... 18th November

Dear friendsA number of us came together to watch the first episode the "The Chosen" on Wednesday. This is the series that tells the story of Jesus through the encounters he had with ordinary people, in those 3 years of his ministry. Firstly, it is an incredibly well done production - authentic in location, choice of actors, sights and sounds. But more than this, it is eye opening. Without doubt poetic license has been used, and the creators put a disclaimer at the start of the episode, that the story should primarily be understood through the writing of the Gospel. Even so, The Chosen fills in the gaps. We see the back stories, the family dynamics, the view of typical family life in that time and place, the very real threat of Roman rule, of the tax demands ... and this is only episode one! What was remarkable for me, was that we only actually meet Jesus in the last few minutes. Everything else has been scene setting, everything else has been building up. We can see, as those who know the end of the story, how much the people need Jesus. We can see, as the observer, the life changing difference Jesus makes, and in this episode, it's to Mary Magdalene's life. And we were left wanting more - when are we going to see episode 2!!I wonder how much harder it is to translate this to our own lives. To the awareness that we need Jesus, to see the life changing difference Jesus makes to ordinary lives? Even when we know the end of the story!This Sunday is Christ the King and then we move to Advent - where we prepare ourselves again to kneel at the manger. This Sunday is also "Stir up Sunday", which of course is usually translated into the time to make Christmas puddings. However, in the original Book of Common Prayer, the collect prayer is "Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord the wills of thy faithful people". This suggests this is a moment to seek God's action with us, even if this is uncomfortable. To turn again to the awareness of who Jesus is, whatever "King" means to you, in Him, to be aware of our need for him, and to be prepared to receive again the life changing difference Jesus can make - turning our ordinary lives into something extraordinary.You can watch "The Chosen" on You tube, and I really commend this to you. We will watch episode 2 in the new year together, if you would like to come along. Everyone is invited, as everyone is invited to receive the love of God, in Jesus Christ.Why not also come along on Sunday, to gather together, to learn together, and to worship together.With love in Christ the KingBecky