A message from Becky... 21st October

Dear friendsA word I have heard a lot of this week is "chaos". This has mostly been directed towards the state of our political leadership at present!Whatever your political views, this is without doubt a time of uncertainty, instability and yes, chaos, which is having an impact on our economy, which is dominating the news, which is also likely to be increasing our own concerns about how there could be an appropriate response from the leadership of the country to the various crises which seem to be on our doorstep.So this weekend we are celebrating Climate Sunday, with a reminder that God, sovereign creator of all, can bring calm to chaos, as witnessed in the very act of creation, and in Christ, whose life, death and resurrection evidenced a supreme power over all things. We are also reminded that those who follow Him are not just invited but called to share in the reconciling work in all creation. However, we live in a world where dominion has become domination, and rule has become ruin, at human hands. Where the relatively recent demand for quick and disposable resources has proven to cause more harm than good, and where we are trying to somehow redress the balance of the fragility of the earth's resources, and concern for future generations to have access to a world that is beautiful, with a way of living that is sustainable, and intentionally cares for the planet.The Going Deeper this week poses some challenging questions about our response. Our worship on Sunday will intentionally take us more deeply into this really important subject both at the 8.30am Holy Communion, and the 10.30am All Together Communion. Why not join in with this, in whatever way you are able.I'm also reminded that fear can have such power over us - fear of what we might not have, might not be able to afford, what might happen in the future, so claiming again the promise of the sovereignty of God in Jesus Christ can give us freedom from that fear. We are called to be wise, but not to worry; to be good stewards but not to live with frames of mind that dwell in scarcity; to be disturbed occasionally, but not to be disheartened, and to have compassion, not be complicit in telling a story of disaster.Let's pilgrim on this journey towards reconciliation, together.With every blessingBecky