A message from Becky... 30th September


Dear friends

I wonder whether you have received any good news this week? It feels as though the news, current situation in the world, and crises across the globe, are speaking anything but good news.

As I shared in our worship last week, even in the midst of situations that feel difficult, when we might want to wish our lives into a place that feels better, or where suffering or uncertainty is behind us, God invites us into life today, here and now, and invites us to discover where He is, and who we are, in His presence.

This has been a theme of the week in various gatherings I've been part of.

At PCC this week, where we had some really challenging conversations and decisions to make, particularly considering the finances of our church, and how we can respond to the energy crisis, we began by reflecting on things we are thankful for. This isn't to deny the reality of challenge or difficulty but enables us to see a bigger picture.

At Deanery Synod this week, where we gathered with sisters and brothers from other churches in our Deanery, we considered the mark of mission that is "To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom" - particularly asking why this is important and what it looks like in each of our contexts.

What was particularly fascinating at the Synod discussions was the reminder that we have to know what the good news is, in order to share it. We were particularly challenged to think about WHO the good news is, rather than WHAT - and the answer of course, is Jesus. The good news that God came amongst us in human form to, as we read in the first words Jesus proclaims in the synagogue, proclaim the good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom, to restore sight, as Isaiah's prophecy. We also talked about the story that is told in the world about what good news is - which is often what you look like, what you own, what you accrue, perhaps even style over substance. What a challenge then to tell a different story of good news that is about who you are and what you give away ... a story that has substance!

There was lots of conversation about the different ways that churches across our Deanery are trying to tell this story in creative ways, in making services accessible, even in trying different service times. There was also conversation about what it means to take the good news out into the world, which is simply about the ways in which we speak, act, treat others, make decisions ... telling the good news in the ways that we live.

We have a variety of ways in which we are sharing Good News as a church over the coming weeks. As well as in our traditional forms of worship where Susanna will be preaching, we have Sunday Spirit this weekend for our young people, Steve is going to be licensed as a Lay Minister on Saturday 8th at Bristol Cathedral (such good news!), it's Harvest Festival next Sunday 9th where as well as our traditional 8.30am Holy Communion service, we are being creative in the way we are inviting all of God's Kingdom (including those with fur and feathers!) at the Pet Service at 10.30am. We can show how we live the Good News by not just coming along to worship and welcome those who may come to church for the first time, but by bringing a donation to support Withywood Foodbank as they try to share the good news with poorer members of our society.

So I pray that however this week has been, you will know the Good News that is for you

With every blessing
