A message from Becky... 8th July


Dear friends

As I sit here I glorious sunshine to write this, I am reminded of the glory of God’s creation, the wider purpose of his design and desire for us, and that in his economy, in the words of Julian of Norwich, all will be well.

Last week, in our gathering on Sunday morning, I shared a mantra that has been the focus of my prayer life recently: I begin each prayer, either my personal prayers or when praying with others, with ‘O God you are the giver of good things’. I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. What is more, in saying this aloud I am reminded even more of the good things, that maybe in the moment, or when I can step back and consider a broader canvas on which our Lord is creating.

We live in a part of the world where we want a quick fix, an immediate solution; yet it is often in the waiting, or the reframing, or the pause to take a breath, when we get ourselves out of the way perhaps (!) that God is most powerfully at work, revealing or giving good things.

There is a danger that this sounds ‘Pollyanna’-ish, where we try to deny the sad and make it glad. It may be easier to believe in the goodness of God's provision on a sunny day, or when prayers have been answered, or when we feel especially blessed. However, I do not believe this is what God invites us to, in relationship with Christ. In those moments of sadness, grief, tragedy and suffering we often see a golden thread of God's grace, and this is where I believe we also experience God, who is the giver of good things. Some may be relieved at the situation in our government this week, and may believe a change in leadership is a good thing that God is giving! In the spirit of watching and waiting, and in the reframing of an immediate situation to see a broader purpose, my prayer is that in whatever emerges from this political turmoil, we see leaders raised that speak truth, have integrity and authenticity, and a heart for the people they serve - that would be a good thing.

I offer you my mantra, however you may like to reflect on what your own may be. What is a promise that you believe is a sure and certain characteristic of God? How might you sum up the good news of Jesus Christ in one sentence? Whether you adopt mine, or try out one of your own, why not inhabit this as part of your prayer life this week? Begin your prayers with a statement that you believe to be true about God. I pray that in the speaking it, believing it and praying it, the truth of it may be revealed to you even more.

In the meantime, a good thing that is happening tomorrow is our Summer Fair. Do please come along, the weather promises to continue in beautiful warmth and sunshine, the cakes will be delicious, there is fun and fellowship to be enjoyed! The Fair begins at 2pm, and it would be wonderful to see you.

Otherwise, we'll gather at 8.30am for Holy Communion, and 10.30am for Cafe church on Sunday.With every blessingBecky