Hi Friends
I tend to say this every time I do the weekly message, but I do mean it, it’s good to be writing to you this week!
Maybe it’s because I am in a space of being between St Martin’s and St Luke’s, but each time I am at St Martin’s, it feels precious and like valuable time before I officially leave.
On Monday evening at Contemplative Community, we focused on the message Paul writes to the Corinth church: ‘From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we no longer know him in that way. So, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being!’ 2 Corinthians 5: 16-17.
During the silences and space that the gathering gives, we were able to reflect on this more deeply. What new things are coming into being at the moment? In our own lives, in the lives of our friends and family, in our world and our church? Or even, where do we long for newness to occur for ourselves, for others or for the world? During the gathering and over this week, the idea of ‘new things coming into being’ has stuck with me. I could think of countless things in my own life that are new. I also thought of friends- new jobs, new babies, new seasons of life- even new haircuts!
It's also important to reflect on those situations, those people who feel stuck in the ‘old’, who are longing for the ‘new things to come into being.’ Illness, complicated and hard family situations, those longing for freedom from whatever chains may be holding them back. What does this promise look like for those who feel trapped in the old?
A few of us reflected and spoke after the gathering about a tension which I feel very much in my own life. Am I doing things that bring me life? We spoke about the hard tension between knowing how to relax and ‘doing’ too many things. How that, sometimes it’s hard to get a balance between doing things that relax us and doing nothing. How, at times, we feel unmotivated to do things that eventually bring us joy, but at the time, it feels like too much hard work. We talked about going for a walk, getting out in the garden, cooking or baking- all these things that energise us and bring us life but can feel hard to motivate ourselves to do them.
A new season of life or change, however good it is, can be tiring and space to adjust is often needed.
I wonder if a few more of us feel this tension? Feel like we want to do more things that fill us and energise us, but feel like we don’t have the energy to do so. I don’t have answers to this, other than I suspect adjusting to life after lockdowns is still very much affecting us.
However, ‘newness’ feels like a live theme for us as a church. With a few people moving on, a new season comes. That time to adjust, let the ground settle and see what new things God will bring is an exciting and tiring time for a church. Maybe there are echoes of this in your own life as well as the church.
Do join with me in praying into this, whether praying for St Martin’s and all the ‘new things coming into being’ or praying for yourselves and those close to you in all that a new season brings. If you are in a place where you long for newness in certain areas of your life, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me and Becky who are always so happy to chat and pray with anyone.
Part of being a family of God means we are never alone when we wrestle with and work out what new seasons look like. Connecting with and being with church members helps us tread this new path.
This Sunday is café church at 10.30- croissants, tea and coffee, all gathered round tables talking and worshipping God together may just be what you need! On Monday and Friday, we have Morning Prayer where we create space to share whatever we feel comfortable to do so. Please also note that next Sunday 19th is Rosemary’s last Sunday with us, please do come and pray for and wish Rosemary well for her new chapter- refreshments will be served after the 10.30 am Service.
As well as all this opportunity and space to gather we also have a Working Party at Church this Saturday 11th and Messy Church on the 17th.
With love and prayers,