A message from Laura... 13th May


Hey friends,

It feels so good to be writing to you this week. As I have started my transition time to St Luke’s Brislington, it’s great to be able to connect with you in this way. Although, you haven’t got rid of me quite yet! I will be continuing at St Martin’s with mid-week activities such as Morning Prayer on Monday, Contemplative Community, Bears and Prayers and anything else that comes up… and of course, still worshipping with you on the 4th Sunday of the month at the 8.30am, 10.30am Altogether Communion and at the 4th at 4.

A while ago I had planned some annual leave followed by a retreat. As it came closer, I realised the Godly timing of this as it was the week before I started at St Luke’s. I went on retreat thinking I might get some sort of three-point mission plan for my final months at St Martin’s and beginning at St Luke’s. But as I arrived on retreat, to an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere in Monmouthshire- I felt like God nudge me in one direction and that was to read Psalm 23.

It is, perhaps for some of us, well known. ‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake…’ and it goes on. This surprised me somewhat that this was what God was leading to; to rest, to lie down, to be restored. Did God not want to guide me in ‘doing’, in getting going with some Kingdom work in both Knowle and Brislington? No. At least to not start with ‘doing’, because I was reminded it starts with the rest, the refreshing, the knowing who I am in God. I soon realised how much I actually needed this, that I was running nearly on empty and it felt like a time to re-set some personal priorities.

A while ago, many of us, during a Café Church each received a word for the year- they were written on paper in the shape of water droplets and we chose one at random, trusting that it was from God to us for this year. Mine was ‘nourishment’ and I cannot tell you how incredibly accurate and life-giving this word has been for me in the many situations and changes that have occurred. I was reminded of my word during my retreat and as I walked around this field by the Airbnb, I felt like God nudging me again to lie down, to actually take the words of Psalm 23 literally and lie down in green pastures. It’s hard to describe how the Spirit moves and works, but at this moment, I knew God was making me lie down in green pastures, restoring my soul.

What was your word for the year? Has it felt like God has continued to speak through it?

Our hope and prayer are that as a community we know our first calling, our top priority is this rest in Jesus, is the knowing who you are in Jesus. In filling your cup so you work out of a place of overflow and not empty.

How we fill our cups can take many forms- it can be quieter things or more energetic activities. Personal activities and priorities that give you life. But also, Spiritual ones, things that you do on your own or at church that allow you to be filled by the Spirit.

This is partly why we continue to offer a mixed- ecology of worship for the community- each one varied and different but still, hopefully, demonstrates something of God’s vast character and Spirit. Monday morning at 9 am we gather to say Morning Prayer online together and every other Monday evening Contemplative Community is a space to come and be with God in the silence and stillness, the next gathering is on the 23rd of May, 7-8.15pm. Coming up this week we also have Messy Church on the 20th of May, are there neighbours or friends you could invite into this energetic Godly space that allows families to be welcomed into church? And this Sunday the 22nd we also gather for the 4th at 4, a table talk style gathering for all those seeking space to connect with others, to be share, to listen and to be heard- come and join us and invite any who you think would value this space.

As I said, we pray these spaces that are created throughout our week are opportunities to re-orientate back to God, to be filled and to know you are loved by Him.

With love and Prayers,
