A message from Becky... 29th April

Dear friendsSomeone very wise once said "change is the only constant". Our life experiences over recent times would probably result in all of us saying "Amen" to this!!We are seeing this on a global scale as well as in the life of our church, and no doubt in each of our personal lives as well.Here at St Martin's, although we have named this season a time of consolidation, we are also seeing changes in our ministry team. This month, Steve Purnell is on placement as part of his Licensed Lay Ministry formation. He goes with our prayers and blessing to a different church in a different Deanery, and we look forward to all he will share with us on his return. We are joined this month and throughout June by Simon Atkins, who is an ordinand from Sarum college, and who will be spending time on placement with us. Please give him, and his wife Nicky, our usual wonderful St Martin's welcome.Laura has begun her transition time in her move to St Luke's Brislington as Curate in Charge. We will therefore only see her on the 4th Sunday of each month, however she is with us during the first part of each week until the end of July.Rosemary is in her final stages of her training before her ordination, and our prayers are with her as various deadlines loom!We will be joined in June by another ordinand, Susanna Rosemeyer. Susanna is training at Trinity College - more about her in future weeks.We are also in the process of recruiting a new Musical Director, and will shortly be advertising for a new administrator and Assistant to the Area Dean, as Sophie prepares to explore new ventures.Please join me in praying for all of those named here, and all of these changes. Please also join me in finding those moments of joy in simple things - and this evening the Unity Singers are coming to St Martin's, bringing their gift of song in "Musical Melodies". Why not come along - it's free to attend, with a retiring collection for St Peter's Hospice and the ongoing work of the church here at St Martins.The season of Eastertide reminds us of God's sure and certain presence in times of turbulence and uncertainty. For those disciples and early followers who were trapped in their Good Friday experience, afraid, doubtful, uncertain, hopeful perhaps, it was those revelations of God in Jesus, those appearances that brought peace, the promise of new life and hope. As I take note of the news, the situation in the Ukraine, the uncertainty and anxieties for many, I hold that promise again and again in my prayers. God is sure and certain, God does not give up on us, and promises restoration and transformation all the more as we move further into the work of the kingdom: Jesus is with us, making all things new.With love in Christ, as everBecky