A message from Rev Becky Waring... 15th April

Dear friends

I write this in the midst of the Triduum - the three day service that begins on Maundy Thursday and ends on Easter Day.

Holy Week has been remarkable, with a beautiful Eucharist on Holy Monday in the Lady Chapel, a disturbing and disquieting evening on Holy Tuesday with the showing of the Passion of Christ, a meaningful journey around the Stations of the Cross on Holy Wednesday, and then remembering the last meal that Jesus had with his friends, with a wonderful sharing supper - the Agape Meal, before that shared experience of the Eucharist, and watching and waiting in the Lady Chapel, which was transformed so beautifully into a Garden of Repose. And today, the retelling of Holy Week in ways that enabled people of all ages, and all levels of faith, to understand more, leading to the solemn and powerful liturgy of Good Friday.

As people of story, following this story in creative ways is so important. To feel the breadth of emotion and experience, to go deeper perhaps in new ways, enables us to connect our story with Jesus' story and God's story of redemption for the whole created order.

I pray that whatever you have had going on in your life this week, you have been able to connect with this Holy week. And whether you have been able to come to church or not, that you have been able to pause for your moment at the foot of the cross, knowing how deep and wide God's love is for you.

There is more to come, with our journey from Lament to Light on Saturday evening, and then the Easter Day Eucharist on Sunday morning. Again, there is something for all ages particularly on Sunday morning, with our traditional Holy Communion at 8.30am, this week followed by breakfast for anyone who is able to come along. Then at 10.30am we have our Family Eucharist - for the whole family of the church - with an Easter Egg hunt at the end.From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday we will have held 13 services. None of these can happen without a significant amount of people involved both up front and visible (not including the ministry team), and behind the scenes. I calculate over 60 people have helped this week, either in preparations, reading, singing (and the choir have sounded breathtakingly beautiful, and have worked so hard to lead and enhance the worship we have shared), in praying, or serving. I am so grateful to everyone who has supported or taken part in these wonderful acts of worship. We are blessed indeed.

With every blessing, as everBecky