A message from Rev Becky Waring... 8th April


Dear friends 

Holy Week is upon us, and over the next week we have the drama, stillness, wonder
and awe of the story of the Passion to the empty tomb of the Resurrection.

I really hope you will take the opportunity to pilgrim together through the events of
the week. There is something every day from Palm Sunday through to Easter Day, and each opportunity to gather will take us, I pray, deeper into an encounter with Jesus, his story, his journey, his gift of love.

Throughout the week we will be using different spaces in our building, times of singing and silence, opportunity to watch as well as take part.

It’s difficult to go from Palm Sunday morning to Easter Day morning, without experiencing the Passion, so if you’re able to, please come along to something in between - I will be at all of it, and you are invited and welcome to come everyday if you would like to!

The point of the journey is not to be a passive observer, but to feel as though you are participating as well, so that when we get to Saturday evening, with the opportunity to renew our baptism vows, we have had space to reconsider again and afresh who we are and who we want to be, in the light of the love of Jesus. Some of you may already feel ready, in whatever shape or form your Lenten discipline has taken. I confess that my journey didn’t go quite according to plan! The promise of the new life that is offered in Jesus each day, and perhaps even more sharply in focus in an empty grave, enables me to remember again that how things have been does not have to define how things are going to be! 

I look forward to seeing you in the coming days
With every blessing