A message from Rev Laura Verrall-Kelly ... 25th March


Hi all,

It’s been quite a week! This week has taught me, even though I felt I knew this before, that Covid is very much still around. After testing positive last Thursday, I am glad to say that today I finally feel like I’ve turned a corner and starting to feel much better. I so appreciate all who were in touch to wish me well, it did mean a lot. I also appreciate your patience as we have had to make last-minute decisions with gatherings and meetings, but we hope and trust you understand the tricky circumstances. As Becky also has covid so please keep her in your prayers.

It also feels great to be sitting outside and writing this message, I hope you have also had time to enjoy the lovely sunny and warm weather this week.

We continue with our Lenten pilgrimage and as I listened to Lectio 365 (a brilliant prayer app) last Sunday as I couldn’t join you, I was reminded it was just 4 weeks to Easter Sunday. I wonder if it is a good time to take stock and see how you have found this Lent journey?

Do you feel eager and ready for Easter Day? Eager to focus on the risen and triumphant Jesus?

Or are you still needing the space to focus on the stripped-back nature of Lent?

How have you found the Lent groups? As I have met with the Young People it has been amazing to have deeper conversations about decisions and choices and to hear their opinions. I do pray this has been the same for you.

If you gave something up for Lent, how is it going? I have found staying off social media whilst I have been ill very hard- I won’t lie!

However you are finding Lent, I do pray it has been an opportunity to turn to and lean on God.

We continue this week with our worship and Lent pattern. Rev Simon Taylor will be leading a said Eucharist Service at the 8.30 am, I will be presiding at our All- Together Communion at the 10.30 am and I am pleased to say Chris Dursley will be sharing a reflection from Scripture. Please note that I have decided to postpone the 4th at 4 this month, we will meet back in April.

During the week there are also other opportunities to gather and connect with each other and God. I am pleased to say that on Monday 28th we are gathering again for Contemplative Community. We have slightly adapted the format in that we have

given space for a chance to chat and share with each other before we pray. Join us at 7 pm for half an hour of conversation and at 7.30-8.15 pm we will have Contemplative Prayers. Please do feel free just to join at 7.30 pm for prayers if you feel comfortable doing so. This is a space to come and sit in God’s presence, focusing on silence and contemplation as you are led through simple liturgy and prayers. There will also be a creative instillation to look at and focus your prayers if you wish.

Lent groups continue this week on Monday evening at Paul and Becky Wearne’s house, Tuesday evening for young people and Wednesday Morning at church. We pray that these have been another space for you during your Lenten journey. Please also check out the Lent booklet on the emails to follow along with the material.

Hope to connect with you on Sunday or over the coming week With prayers,
