A message from Rev Becky Waring... 4th March


Dearest sisters and brothers in Christ

The news this week continues to tell us about the escalating crisis in Ukraine, and the terrible conflict taking place. As we commented in Morning Prayer today, God has given us such a beautiful world, and humanity does such a good job of creating hell for each other. We pray for all of those affected, for peace makers and peace making, and for support to reach those most in need. The standing committee has taken the decision to hold a retiring collection for the DEC Ukraine humanitarian crisis after both services on Sunday, more details are in this email.

You will remember over recent weeks I have spoken of the building blocks, or foundation stones that I believe are core to our identity as church here at St Martins. From "Praying" and "Learning" I want to add a third element of "Growing".

There are a number of ways we can aspire to grow, as individuals and as a church. Firstly, through our praying and learning we will grow, I hope, in our relationship with Christ. This may be growth in the realisation of being loved without condition, it may be growth in our commitment to follow the ways and teaching of Jesus, it may be growth in our commitment to our church family, or growing in the desire to participate in the life of the church. For some, it is growth in the awareness of a vocation. Whatever the individual level of "Growing", this leads to an inevitable "Growing" of who we are as the body of Christ: awareness of each others gifts; growth in fellowship; building up of the body. We can then "Grow" as a presence in the community, being present in our Christian identity in whatever 'frontline' we face - our places of work, where we socialise, even at the school gate.

Growing isn't limited to age or size; I think the more profound growth is what happens to our characters, our inner selves, even our souls. Growing up in our faith also means sometimes letting go of those things that are no longer helpful to our lives as Christians, or behaviours, attitudes or judgements that we no longer need to choose to live by. Growth means being open to being shaped and formed, being open to things we don't yet know, and as the best gardeners will know (indeed even Jesus had something to say about this!), growth sometimes requires the pruning of unhealthy parts!

Going forward I would love these themes of "Praying" "Learning" and "Growing" to marinate with us, to get used to these becoming more than words, and instead to become intention for each one of us. How are you praying? How are you learning? How are you growing?

On this first Sunday of Lent, where we turn again to Christ, and the journey ahead of us, praying, learning and growing can become part of the spiritual discipline of this time

Throughout Lent there will be many opportunities to pray, learn and grow, through our gathering as a worshipping community, through corporate and private prayer, through the Lent Study material, and supported by whatever you are choosing to do to shape and form your own journey.

I pray that Christ will give you the grace to grow in holiness, to deny yourselves, take up your cross, and follow him.

With every blessing, as ever
