A Message from Phil...28th February

Lent Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear friends,

Hopefully, as we start to see the sun again, you are finding your way towards spring! This week has been an interesting one with Alpha Youth (a 6 week series for secondary school aged young people) beginning on Monday and Bears and Prayers on Wednesday. Both seem to have been a success and both, in their own ways, allow different groups of people to explore faith in ways that are suited to them. At Alpha, which we are doing alongside 4 other local churches, the young people thought about what makes them happy, what long term fulfilment is by comparison and what they would ask God if God exists? One of the young people on my table said they would want to ask God if they still had faith in humanity.

I thought this was a very profound question and it has stuck with me throughout my week as I have done my pastoral visits, written prayers and heard about some of the difficult situations people are living through. We can become so bombarded with bad news (also known as The News) that we can really struggle to believe that humanity is good or that a loving God cares. However, if we look more closely at things on a local level, where we see real examples of actual people, we encounter all kinds of loving, caring, good and generous people. Whether it is a small act of kindness by the side of the road or they have committed their lives to it for the long term, making it part of their job and vocation, I have seen people offering support all through my week. As for God, I suppose it is partly a profound ques on because we assume God has seen so much more than us and knows the intentions we have in our hearts behind our actions. For me, this draws me towards Lent which begins next Wednesday with our special communion service with ashing. We will be joined by Bishop Viv and it will be an opportunity for us to reflect on our attitudes and our actions, asking ourselves how we can live more full lives that are kind and generous to others and healthy for ourselves.

Alpha is a great place to ask questions and it is not too late to join in. For more information and a permission form please email me or see me on Sunday.

This Sunday Simon Taylor will take our services and there will be opportunity for coffee and conversa on a er both our 8:30 spoken Holy Communion and our 10:30 High Altar Holy Communion with hymns and Sunday Spirit. You are welcome and invited, whoever you are, whatever your questions. Come and learn, come and listen, come and worship, come and explore.

Hope to see you soon, Phil