A Message from Phil...14th February

Lent Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear friends,

I hope you are well and enjoying your week. Last Sunday we had a wonderful Christingle service and raised money for the children’s society who do amazing work to help some of the most vulnerable people. We thought a lot about light – how Jesus is light in our world and how he calls us to be lights in the world. During the winter it can be helpful to reflect on how we can offer light and hope to others. These might sound like grand things to attempt but actually, even simple things can go a long way in this world that is increasingly isolated and lonely. Asking someone how they are doing, and actually waiting long enough to hear the answer. Taking me to phone your friend who is struggling. Slowing down when we are out and about so human interactions can be possible.

I received an interesting email this week from someone in our congregation. They had a specific question about a particular passage that was set for last Sunday (Isaiah 6). I have enjoyed thinking about the passage and the way God worked in ancient Israel to bring about good for the whole world but I have also really enjoyed the little conversation it has struck up. I certainly don’t have all the answers about the details of the Bible, either Old or New Testament. But I do enjoy talking, thinking and reading about it so if you ever feel you want to share a passage you are particularly enjoying, muse over what scripture might mean for you today or have a ques on for us to think about together, do get in touch or find me a er a service. I believe our journey in faith and spirituality is enriched as we find ways to share what we are thinking, feeling and praying about so I’d love to hear from you. If you are looking for a space to do these things in a group then Friday mornings are a perfect place for it if you are available. Equally our “stations of the cross for beginners” sessions during lent would be another place for it, this me on Wednesday evenings.

Come, let’s learn and grow together, let’s look to Jesus, our light in this dark world and let’s ask how we can, inspired by the things we read in the Bible, be lights ourselves in Knowle and beyond.

This week we have two services of Holy Communion, a reflective spoken one at 8:30 and Communion with hymns and Sunday Spirit at 10:30. Chris Dursley, one of our lay ministers, will be sharing her thoughts on the readings and I hope that through it we might be able to hear God together for our lives today.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Grace & peace,
