A Message from Phil... 24th January

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear friends,

As we creep towards the end of January, we hope we also creep closer to lighter, brighter and warmer weather. However, spring is still a way off and, in the meantime, this time of year can be especially difficult for those who are lonely and isolated. For those who struggle to put food on the table or heat their homes. Let’s be aware of those in our community, both those who attend church but also our physical neighbours, who might be struggling and try to be kind and generous. As the Bishop of Washington pointed out to President Trump this week, God’s mercy is especially needed towards those who are marginalized and at risk. Let’s live out our calling to be Christ in the world this winter. As you can probably tell, I am in the middle of sermon writing for Sunday and I am feeling so inspired by the readings we are presented with this week. They speak of both Christs calling in the world but also of how members of the church each have a role to play in that. Come along either at 8:30 or 10:30 to hear more.

Our 10:30 service will be an all-together communion with something for all of our church to engage in including some fun activities and an interactive talk. It is a perfect way to introduce a friend to St Martin’s, even if they don’t usually come to church. This is always something we can be wondering – who else might enjoy the spiritual space we engage with. Who that we know might benefit from exploring faith and the mindfulness and community that come along with that?

As many of you will know we set up a church boiler fund years ago when we installed the boiler we use today. We recently dipped into this fund heavily when we fixed the heating system and so the PCC are hoping we might restore it in the coming weeks and months so when we need it again we aren’t completely stuck. If you feel able to contribute to this fund please use one of the envelopes available by the doors and specify “boiler fund” on the outside. Every year it cost more for us to heat St Martin’s but we really value it being welcoming and warm for everyone so do consider whether you might even begin a standing order, speak to our wardens or our treasurer for more information on how to do this. Our finances are not as healthy as we would like and we will share more on this in the spring around our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Your generosity and donations are always greatly appreciated. Thank you.

In these difficult times that feel filled with fear and anxiety, I feel the need more than ever to draw together as a praying, worshiping and, growing community to encourage one another, find a safe space of spiritual refuge and help one another as we can.

Hope to see you soon,

Grace & peace,

Rev’d Phil