Dear Friends,
As we continue into 2025 we have so much to celebrate and look forward to! Our community continues to be a vibrant and welcoming place where people are able to discuss faith, engage in spirituality and spend time in quiet reflecting on both the good things but also the difficulties in life. In the year to come we will continue with our usual pattern of worship, following the story of Jesus from birth to death and resurrection and then on through the story of Acts as the disciples spread word of all Jesus was and did. This yearly rhythm, looking at the same stories and allowing the same themes to guide us, allows us to think about our own journey of discipleship and rhythms of faith. For example, this Sunday our tradition others us the story of the wedding of Cana when Jesus turned water into wine. It is a fantastic story for all sorts of reasons and commentators often spell out the way in which Jesus is helping a family who aren’t very well off to host the party in a way that will prevent them experiencing social shame. This week Steve will be preaching and has felt led to go “off lectionary” and share with us his insights into another story where Jesus helps people who are marginalized in society, again removing their shame. It is a common theme throughout the gospels and I wonder how we might feel set free from shame by Jesus.
As well as our usual communion services at 8:30 and 10:30 this week (with Sunday Spirit at the latter) we also have enjoyed a full Friday of activity in church including Morning Prayer, Café Reconnect and, Messy Church. I think it is great that each of these events includes food which helps us to have even better conversation and take time with one another. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these things then do ask either myself, someone on the ministry team or a church warden and we would be happy to answer any questions.
As the winter continues, let’s be looking out for one another. If you know of someone who has particular needs at the moment do see if you can help or encourage them to speak to someone at church and we will see how we can support one another.
May you know the blessing of our loving God who wants the best for you and longs for all of us to live life in all its fullness.
Rev’d Phil