Dear friends,
I hope you are having a good start to 2025 and that your Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations went well. I feel that we had a wonderful time over Christmas both at church and at home and am returning into this year feeling excited for what lies ahead. It was so amazing to see the church so full of people at our Christmas services with an incredible uptake for our Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols. I am immensely grateful to everyone who worked so hard to make these services and events happen, including the choir, our organists, the teams who provide refreshments, everyone who has welcomed, handed out books, moved chairs, led worship or prayers and, of course, our two amazing Church Wardens need a special thanks as they do so much behind the scenes in addition to what we see on a Sunday. Thank you to everyone who made it so special. One of the idea’s our PCC (church leadership group) often returns to is the image of St Martin’s being a beacon of God’s love and light in Knowle and I certainly feel like that was true this Christmas.
In addition to the huge number of children who came along to our crib service and other
Christmas services we also hosted two packed out school nativity services with Knowle Park School. Between the loud singing about God’s love shining down and the joy on everyone’s face I couldn’t help but feel hopeful for the future of St Martin’s if we continue to prioritise children, young people and families in everything we do. Our exercise in listening to God on the 15th Dec emphasised how strongly our community feels that our church should be for each and every person in our local area, regardless of age and background. It also showed us that we believe this isn’t just a nice idea but is actually something God is calling us to, encouraging us to step out in. I am reminded of our diocesan values to be brave, generous and open. I hope that, with some creativity thrown into that mix, we will find more ways to act on our belief that we should be open for everyone.
As we begin this new year, many of you will be making resolutions or, as I have been, will be wondering what is in store for us as a church and as individuals. Last Sunday Simon spoke to us about God taking a new path at Epiphany and we want to continue that theme this week at Café Church, thinking about looking for new pathways in our lives. Do join us either for that at 10:30 with breakfast and activities for younger people or at 8:30 for our beautiful spoken communion with Rev’d Tim Godden.
Whoever you are and however you find yourself coming into this new year, know that you are valued and welcome at St Martin’s. We would love to see you and have a chat about life and faith. Grace & peace,
Rev’d Phil