A message from Phil... 13th September

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear friends,

I hope you are well and are coping with the transition away from summer! I always find the beginning of Autumn to be a beautiful time of year but, especially with news of energy bills going up and winter fuel payment’s being withdrawn, the touches of cold we have experienced feel slightly ominous. We know that many people in our communities are isolated, lonely and struggle to keep their houses warm in the winter. Equally, we know that it can be so hard to ask for help or seek it out. Each of us needs help in life, whether advice with a tricky decision, a li to the airport or help doing, or paying for, our weekly shop. The pressures of modern life currently feel more enormous than ever and our instincts when under pressure can often be the total opposite of what we need. Many of us automatically double down, close ourselves off and, make a bigger effort to keep up appearances when things aren’t well at home, at work or personally. This sort of defence mechanism can make us feel strong when in actuality it weakens us. A better response, more effective and healthy, is to share our struggles – big or small. Our loving God invites us not just into communion (community) with God but also to community with one another. Jesus certainly didn’t see challenges as weakness or as something to hide from his community and, as he neared the end of his life, he gathered those closest to him to pray with him and keep watch. I wonder who we gather with to pray and ask to keep watch in our lives? If you are struggling with something and feel you would like someone to talk to the me for refreshments at the end of a service is always a good opportunity to mention to someone that you could use some support, advice or help. Equally if you would like to have a chat with myself or someone on our pastoral care team do get in touch by email or text and we can work out ways for St Martin’s to be a place where we support one another.

Another great space to come for those conversations is Café Reconnect 12-1:30 on a Friday, in church. Over soup, a toas e and some cake we talk about all sorts of things from the most mundane to the strange and theoretical. Why not join us one Friday to see what it’s like?

This week Rev’d Simon Taylor will be taking our services, 8:30 & 10:30, and we will have hymns and Sunday Spirit (worship for under 11’s) at our later service. I am looking forward to hearing what Simon has prepared for us and, as always, anticipating that it will be a peaceful and reflective point in our week, as well as being full of inspiration, friendship and laughter. Come, you are invited!

Hope to see you soon,

Rev’d Phil