A message from Phil... 19th July

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Dear Friends,

I hope you are well and, for many of you, looking forward to a change of pace over the summer month. Whether you are going away, having time o school or staying close to home and working, I hope you can find ways to break up the routine and find rest and time o . We talked on Sunday in café church about how important this is and how it should hold a place of particular importance to us as Christians who are commanded by God to keep a sabbath day and rest. However, in our busy world full of busy lives it can feel like a real act of resistance to find (or make) the time and space to rest. This morning I went to Knowle Park Primary school to take their assemblies. One of the things I shared about was to do with the Olympics and how the athletes train for it. As I read about the daily routines of the athletes one of the big things that stood out to me was the emphasis they placed on proper rest. Not just physical rest for their muscles but also for their minds and emotions. Many of them described the way they prioritise doing something very different to their work of training, in order to be better at what they are training for, at what they are working towards. So I encouraged the children (and the teachers in the rooms) to try to learn to rest like an Olympic athlete, often and well!

This week our readings help us to continue to think about finding rest when people all around us have needs and things they want from us, come along to either our 8:30 or 10:30 communion services to hear more about it. We also have a special get-together in the park. We will be gathering along with other churches from our local area, bring a picnic and something fun to do with others as we get to know other Christians who live nearby.

Rev’d Becky and I are feeling a sense of transition as I have had a series of “firsts” and she now enters these weeks of “lasts”. I know she will really miss her ministry here in Knowle but I also know that she is working hard to leave us in the best possible position for us to continue to move forward and grow as a community. Do come along to her last service on 4th August, another combined service at 10am for our whole church family, to celebrate all that God has done throughout her time at St Martin’s and all that God is calling her onwards towards.

Hope to see you soon,

Rev’d Phil