A message from Becky... 28th June

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsI hope this week has found you well, and hopefully coping with the heat and the high pollen!I appreciate it is a week of mixed emotion - a time of great celebration as Phil is priested on Saturday and celebrates his first Eucharist on Sunday, alongside some uncertainty following the announcement that I will be leaving St Martin's at the start of August.I think it's often the case in life that two things that could be seen to be opposite can both be true. It's certainly true in our faith, where we know Christ has died, Christ is risen and Christ will come again!The PCC met on Tuesday evening, and agreed an initial plan for the coming months whilst the church is in vacancy. Richard Hensman and Becky Wearne, our Church Wardens, will have legal responsibility for the leadership of the church. They will be the first point of call for any questions or queries. Becky will also continue to coordinate the Pastoral Care provision, and Jan Coombes continues as the Parish Safeguarding Officer, so concerns relating to pastoral care or safeguarding should be directed to them respectively.The pattern of worship will continue largely unchanged during the vacancy: we are pleased that our good friend Revd Dr Simon Taylor will come to St Martin's once a month to preside and preach at both 8.30 and 10.30, and Revd Tim Godden will preside and preach every 2nd Sunday at 8.30am. The only change will be that where there is a 5th Sunday of the month, the 8.30am service will be a service of Morning prayer, led by one of the Licensed Lay Ministers. Our newly priested Phil will be, thankfully, staying at St Martin's to continue his curacy, and will have the support of a new Training Incumbent.Over the course of the vacancy, the PCC will be supported by the Archdeacon of Malmesbury, and members of the Diocesan Support Services team to look at the vision for St Martin's for the next season of it's life, and to prepare a profile that will be used to appoint the next incumbent.There will be lots more to say over the coming weeks, not least to find opportunities to say goodbye! My last services on Sunday 4 August will be particularly poignant, and I hope to see as many of you as possible then - appreciating it's also Summer Holiday season.I will be licensed and installed as Archdeacon on Sunday 1 September at 3.30pm at Bristol Cathedral during Evensong, and want to extend an invitation to all of you to come along, if you would like to.Meanwhile - this weekends celebrations are our priority, and will be wonderful!I look forward to seeing you either at Bristol Cathedral at 3pm on Saturday, or at 10am for our single service on Sunday, followed by a bring and share lunch - you're invited.With every blessing, as alwaysBecky