A Message from Phil... 21st June

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear Friends,

It seems that the approach of the end of June has finally helped summer to realise it is due to make an appearance! Hopefully some of this warmer weather will stay and, dare I say, increase slightly. The end of June also brings with it a special occasion for me and with it a time of transition. On Saturday 29th June I will be ordained priest in Bristol Cathedral in a service beginning at 3pm. I am so grateful to everyone at St Martin’s and beyond who has supported me in this first year of my curacy and for everyone who is making the effort to come next week to witness this life-changing moment and celebrate with me. There is plenty of space at the cathedral (if you get there early enough!) for many more to join us so do ask if you would like more details.

Priesthood is an increasingly unusual calling these days but one that is ancient and full of profound weight. It is an honour that I don’t take lightly that I will be entrusted with my part in continuing the ministry of the global church, caretaking it’s traditions and learning to preach the gospel afresh to the next generation. For me, so much of what I feel called to is tied up in those two ideas – the old and the new, the tradition and the freshness. I love that at St Martin’s we preserve ancient traditions but are also willing to experiment and try out new ways of praying and worshiping together.

One change in our Sunday worship will be that from June 30th I will be able to preside at the Eucharist. I look forward to the many times that we will gather around the table, each carrying our own baggage, each searching for our particular answers and yet drawn together around the same table by the same Spirit. There are many things that I love about the Eucharist – the way it unites us, the mysterious transformative work that Jesus does through it and, the reminder that at the heart of our faith there is brokenness and pain. I believe that through the consistent, faithful, coming together around this ancient practice, we can expect to receive not just from God but of God. It is beautiful that in Holy Communion, our faith is touchable, it has a taste and a smell.

This Sunday we will gather twice around the table, once at 8:30 for our spoken service and again at 10:30 for our All Together interactive service. You are invited to join us, to discover more of the mystery that is faith and to be part of our community of seekers, hoping for transformation in our lives, our church and our world. You are welcome!

See you soon,

Rev. Phil