A message from Becky... 19th January

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsWe are in the midst of the week of Christian Unity, which we have sometimes celebrated as "Churches Together" in Knowle.We are at a point in time when the Church of England is trying to reach a point of unity regarding issues of human sexuality and relationships, following an extensive period of conversations called "Living in Love and Faith" which a number of people within the congregation took part in.The current position is that the General Synod of the Church of England has approved the use of prayers of love and faith which could be used within an act of worship to bless relationships between those of the same sex. For some people, this will be a progressive way forward and will be welcomed. For others, it will be contrary to their belief of what is appropriate both within relationships, and within the tradition of the church. For others, this will not be enough of a move, and a desire to be able to hold weddings for those of the same sex remains. You may hold a firm view on this, or you may not have considered how you feel the church should respond. I wonder if, when we consider an issue such as this, it's healthier to think of different positions that people hold, rather than which "side" you might be on. To consider positions suggests an openness to the other point of view, whereas to speak of "sides" suggests conflict, is even combative.Ultimately unity is something that is given by God in the expression of the one-ness of God in the Trinity, and is something we are called to by God in the way we express ourselves as the body of Christ. Unity doesn't mean we all have to think the same - that's uniformity. Unity doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, and there is something that is biblical in being able to disagree well. However we are also called not to hold long accounts with each other, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and so whilst we can and should be able to disagree well, we are also required to move on from those disagreements and not hold this against each other. We are also though called to speak out against injustice and not collude when people are being hurt, so I am greatly encouraged by the consistent messages of regret and sorrow about the ways in which people who are same sex attracted, or from the LGBQT community have been hurt by the church, regardless of the position that church may hold.So I pray for our national church, and for the ongoing navigation of these times, and I pray for the witness of our parish church here in Knowle to all of God's people.I also pray for each of us, whenever we find ourselves disagreeing, or confused by the response or behaviour of someone, or holding on to hurts from a previous relationship that perhaps needs to belong to yesterday.In this week of Christian unity, may you know before all other things, that you are called to be in unity with God, in relationship, through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.I hope to see you at the weekend, as we continue to explore the revelation of who Jesus Christ is, at 8.30am for our traditional Holy Communion service, and at 10.30am for our Sung Eucharist, with Sunday Spirit for our young people. You're invited.With love in Christ, as everBecky